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Fall Fishing 2012


This last weekend I went fishing with Craig and Melody at Lake Roosevelt.  What a great day we had!!  The lake was calm and the weather was overcast and no rain.  A perfect day for fishing.  We launched the boa t and motored down the lake to a spot where the trout were hitting just as week ago.  They set the poles up and we then trolled up and down the waiting for a bite.  Sue enough we landed several fish and only kept the big ones.   

We also hooked an anchor lost by some other boater.  It looks like we had a fish on the line and then shortly we realized that this was either a log or a rock we snagged.  As we worked to release the hook we started to pull up the rope and then the anchor started coming up. 

I have to wonder who lost the anchor we hooked.  Did they lose it and say darn?  Anyone out there missing an anchor?  Write and tell me how you lost it and we will try to get it back to the rightful owner.

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